Saturday 3 April 2010


The dull thuds dispersed into the soft,crisp night as she ascended the old stone staircase. Anticipation coursed through her veins, at what she had just seen, and what she was about to see. To observe her though, you would not know. Her gait was even, measured, controlled.

With the crickets her only companions, she reached the crest of the hill, and the steps stopped. She had arrived. As she pushed aside her unkempt golden locks, the moment became too great, too vast to keep inside any longer. And as the tears made their journey down the warm cheeks, she reflected; it was not what I was expecting, but everything I had hoped for, and more. She was home. Finally home.

The gentle glow of the low crescent moon washed the landscape in an eerie, romantic light, but as she arrived at the door, she had no intention of pushing it. This was as far as she could go tonight. She had achieved so much to get here, she reflected. One more night of contemplation was what she needed. Her past - not yet shaken from her memory - had no place inside her new world. As she lay on the soft bed of grass completely alone, she cried. Tears of sorrow, of sadness and of loss. Tears of relief, of hope, and of joy.

Tomorrow, she thought.

A good nights sleep and she might just have the strength to push open the door to her new world..

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